Woman wearing glasses and white shirt in front of brick wall
Welcome to Creative Energy Studio

Meet Tracy, who is passionate about helping people with anxiety.

Meet Tracy, the passionate owner of Creative Energy Studio. Tracy is a Usui Reiki and crystal healing practitioner who combines her love for crafting with her desire to ease anxiety. With a heart full of creativity and a soul dedicated to holistic healing, Tracy invites you to experience the transformative power of energy work and handmade crafts at Creative Energy Studio.

Tracy’s love of crafting

Tracy has always found solace and joy in making and crafting. Her passion for art and design, a favourite subject during her school years, is still a significant part of her life. Creating not only brings her happiness but also helps manage her anxiety and calms her ADHD mind.

When Tracy’s mum was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, crafting became even more important to her. It provided a much-needed focus during a challenging time for her family, serving as a therapeutic escape.

Driven by her experiences, Tracy decided to create a craft subscription box that stands out from others. Her vision was to design a box that specifically aids people with anxiety. Each box allows subscribers to make something beautiful for their home while enjoying a creative project. Additionally, Tracy has developed wellness boxes to support mental well-being further. These are the kinds of boxes she would have appreciated receiving during her tough times.

In a heartfelt commitment to give back, Tracy donates 5% of the proceeds from both subscription and wellness boxes to Dementia UK through Work for Good. This initiative not only supports those struggling with dementia but also embodies the compassionate spirit behind Tracy’s crafting venture.

What is Dementia?

Peach shredded tissue. Three rectangle cards green, white and peach with positive working and pictures printed on
Craft and wellness box to help ease anxiety

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